Monday, March 5, 2012

Initial Planning Meeting with the Auditors

Parsley Sage Rosemary & Ginsburg llp
“always a reasonable result for a reasonable fee, always”

Accounting Department
Mike Marget
March 5, 2012
The Auditors are Coming!  -- Initial Meeting with the Auditors

We have scheduled the initial meeting with this year’s audit team from Beane & Beane, CPAs for 3:00 pm on Thursday, March 8th, in the Peter Parsley Memorial Conference Room. 

The purpose of the meeting will be to accomplish the following:

1.      Introduce the key personnel on both sides;

2.      Schedule the starting date and ending date for the auditors’ field work (i.e., the days they will be in our offices);

3.      Determining the milestones/delivery dates for various schedules that will make up the Audit Binder (i.e., all the stuff we need to provide to them);

4.      Discuss the status of the suggestions included in last year’s Auditor’s Recommendations Letter (i.e., whether we implemented last year’s suggestions);

5.      Exchange information with them regarding any changes in the law firm’s operations and any new work required by them which we didn’t prepare last year;

6.      Establishing the deadline for them to produce for us a listing of proposed adjusting journal entries, deliver a draft of the complete financial reporting package (all schedules and opinion), complete the firm’s tax return and K-1s for the partners, and discuss items which might be included in this year’s Auditor’s Recommendations Letter; and

7.      Scheduling the Final Meeting between the Auditors and the Management Committee.

Let me know if you have any questions, and plan on being there next Thursday.